Transitioning to Agile Testing Workshop

This workshop briefly explains the principles of Agile and how this differs from traditional lifecycle models. This workshop will explain the fundamentals of Scrum and how testing can effectively contribute to this software development approach.

Varighet: 2 dager

Pris: 13500

Kurskategori: Programvare test

Kursdatoer er ikke helt avklart ennå, men kontakt [email protected] for påmelding!

Learn the core components of Scrum and how testing can be involved in reviewing the product-backlog and how to be actively involved in the day-to-day sprints. This workshop also discusses how testing and test management need to adapt for maximum effectiveness within a Scrum project, how Exploratory Testing is the best approach to use and why collaboration is the key to the project's success.

This workshop will be a practical session showing how scrum boards work, how to use planning poker and how to create burn-down charts. Learn how to use automation powerfully within an Agile project and how this would differ from the traditional lifecycle.

Kursdatoer er ikke helt avklart ennå, men kontakt [email protected] for påmelding!


Lloyd har over 30 års er faring fra IT-bransjen. Han har jobbet som utvikler, testleder og i 10 år jobbet han i UK-baserte Grove Consultants som konsulent/partner. I 2011 startet han eget konsulentselskap med software testing som spesialfelt. Lloyd har holdt foredrag på konferanser som STAREAST, STARWEST, Eurostar, AsiaSTAR, Software Test Automation, Test Kongressen, og Unicom m.fl.

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Nina Alfstad Sæther
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