MSP® Foundation

Delivered by fully accredited trainers and industry leading experts who have extensive experience using MSP, the course includes a relevant, modern case study to help delegates understand how to apply the MSP way of managing programmes in the real world.

Varighet: Virtuelt 3 dager, kl.10:30-18:00

Pris: 17900 inkl. e-bok, kursmateriell, eksamensvoucher og tilgang til opptak av kurset i 12 måneder

Kurskategori: Prosjektledelse

Kursdatoer er ikke helt avklart ennå, men kontakt [email protected] for påmelding!

NB! Virtuelt kurs undervises på engelsk, med engelsk kursmateriell og engelsk eksamen. Kurset leveres i samarbeid med Skillsoft Global Knowledge. Etter påmelding vil du motta en epost med detaljert informasjon om kurset fra Skillsoft Global Knowledge. 

About MSP
Managing Successful Programmes (MSP®) was developed as a best practice guide on Programme Management. The guide comprises a set of Principles and a set of Processes for use when managing a program. MSP represents proven programme management best practice in the successful delivery of transformational change through the application of programme management. MSP is very flexible and designed to be adapted to meet the needs of local circumstances.

During this course  the  participants get an opportunity to present their exercise results and discuss them with the rest of the class, thus gaining further knowledge from many different points of view, in many different industries.

Bouvet delivers the MSP® courses in collaboration with ITPreneurs


Course content

The MSP framework is based on three core concepts

•MSP Principles. These are derived from positive and negative lessons learned from programme experiences. They are the common factors that underpin the success of any transformational change.
•MSP Governance Themes. These define an organization's approach to programme management. They allow an organization to put in place the right leadership, delivery team, organization structures and controls, giving the best chance for success.
•MSP Transformational Flow. This provides a route through the lifecycle of a programme from its conception through to the delivery of the new capability, outcomes and benefits.


•Newly appointed programme managers who may have a background in managing projects, but have not previously operated in a transformational change environment.
•Senior managers who will “sponsor” the change, or perhaps be held accountable for its success.
•Operational managers charged with embedding the change in their area.
•Operational staff undertaking a role in the programme or related projects.
•Programme office staff (PMO) wishing to build upon their project management knowledge.
•Experienced project managers.
•Those seeking a professional qualification in programme management.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will gain in the ability to:
•Understand the principles and structure of MSP.
•Understand the benefits of a structured method in a changing environment.
•Explain the MSP process model.
•Understand the MSP themes.
•Draft a Programme brief and Vision Statement.
•Propose a Programme organisation structure.
•Engage with stakeholders at all levels.
•Understand the vision and the blueprint and how they can be applied to the best advantage.
•Apply progress control mechanisms.
•Appreciate the principles of programme level quality and risk management.
•Realize the importance of configuration management


Delegates should ideally have experience of managing or working in programmes prior to attending. Knowledge of the PRINCE2® project management method is advantageous but by no means mandatory; some exposure to a project management method will aid understanding of how the programme works with these projects.

Course Material

Participants receive a digital copy of the MSP 2011 manual, a copy of the classroom presentation materials and the Participant Workbook, which contains reference material.

About the Examination

This course includes the cost of the foundation examination which is set at 3:00 p.m. during the third day of the course. Exam details include:
•75 multiple-choice questions
•Candidates require a minimum of 35 correct answers (50%) to pass

Kursdatoer er ikke helt avklart ennå, men kontakt [email protected] for påmelding!

Bouvet is a Licensed Affiliate of ITpreneurs,
which is a PeopleCert® Accredited Training
Organization (ATO) for the MSP® Course. MSP® is
a registered trademark of AXELOS Limited,
used under permission of AXELOS Limited.
The Swirl logo™ is a trademark of AXELOS Limited,
used under permission of AXELOS Limited.
All rights reserved.

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Nina Alfstad Sæther
Produktansvarlig kurs