ADM920 SAP Identity Management

Dager: 5

Pris: 43.900

Kurskategori: SAP

Underkategori: Database and Technology

Kursdatoer er ikke helt avklart ennå, men kontakt [email protected] for påmelding!

Course version: 019

Course announcements
Gain knowledge about SAP Identity Management 8.0 SP3. Understand how SAP Identity manages users in heterogeneous IT landscape. Learn how to integrate identity management with business processes within and beyond your enterprise, using identity federation to facilitate joint authentication and single sign-on for a secure identity management solution across company boundaries.

The goal of this course is to enable participants to implement identity management concepts so that the full identity lifecycle can be performed with SAP Identity Management
And also to be able to use, customize, operate and troubleshoot SAP Identity Management

Technology Consultant
System Administrator
Solution Architect

SAP NetWeaver Java fundamental knowledge
SQL fundamentals knowledge
JavaScript fundamentals knowledge"

Java knowledge would be helpful
Some knowledge about identity management fundamentals

Course based on software release
SAP Identity Management 8.0 SP3

SAP Identity Management (IdM)
- Describing SAP Identity Management
- Explaining SAP IdM Architecture
- Describing the SAP IdM Data Model

- Creating Forms
- Customizing Search Results
- Implementing a Custom User Interface

- Creating Jobs
- Creating a Repository
- Creating Repository Jobs
- Implementing Scripts for Advanced Data Conversion

Provisioning and Workflow
- Creating Processes
- Auditing the Task Execution Process
- Describing the SAP Provisioning Framework
- Assigning Privileges

- Creating Business Roles
- Defining Automatic Role Assignments

Approval Workflow
- Configuring Approval Workflows
- Sending Notifications
- Storing Information with Pending Value Objects (PVO) and Context Variables
- Implementing Automatic Approve/Decline of Role Requests

Context-Based Assignments
- Defining Context
- Creating Guided Activity Tasks
- Provisioning Context Toward Backend Systems
- Assigning Automatic and Conditional Context

SAP IdM and Other SAP Systems
- Provisioning a User to AS ABAP
- Setting Up SuccessFactors (SF)
- Configuring the Virtual Directory Server (VDS) to Publish Information
- Verifying Authorization Compliance
- Setting Up SAP Human Capital Management (HCM)

Advanced Tasks
- Running Housekeeping Procedures
- Accessing the Identity Center Database
- Debugging Entries
- Optimizing the Performance of SAP IdM
- Explaining the Reporting Tools
- Resetting Passwords

SAP IdM Installation and Configuration
- Installing SAP IdM
- Configuring SAP IdM Security
- Updating the Service Package
- Upgrading SAP IdM 7.2
- Setting up High-Availability for SAP IdM
- Transporting Content

Kursdatoer er ikke helt avklart ennå, men kontakt [email protected] for påmelding!

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Heidi Jakobsen Strømme
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