BW430 SAP BW/4HANA Modeling

Varighet: 5 dager

Pris: 43.900

Kurskategori: SAP

Underkategori: Business Warehouse (BW)

This course is designed for users with some experience in BW/4HANA or for users who have visited BW410 and know the BW/4HANA terms and basic data warehousing tasks. They learn to design BW/4HANA data models based on the LSA++ layered scalable architecture model and using SAP BW/4HANA and SAP HANA modeling objects. Focus topics are master data (especially time-dependency and hierarchies), Open ODS Views, different types of DataStore Objects (advanced), and different Composite Provider scenarios, staging scenarios with InfoSources, currency and unit conversion, and hybrid models with SAP HANA Calculation views.


  • Introduction to Data Modelling, Challenges, Conflicts
  • Overview about the Business Case (Case Study)
  • Comparing Modeling approaches
  • SAP HANA modeling
  • SAP BW/4HANA modelling
  • Mixed strategies
  • Best Practice Standards in BW/4HANA Modeling
  • Understanding Object Changeability
  • Separating Master Data and Transactional Data
  • Using Time-Dependent Master Data, Tracking History
  • Harmonizing Data
  • Designing a BW/4HANA Layered Scalable Architecture (LSA++)
  • Understanding Physical and Logical Partitioning
  • Process of Modeling
  • Defining the Sequence and Phases of SAP BW Projects
  • Developing an SAP BW/4HANA Data Model
  • SAP BW/4HANA Content Add-On
  • Working with SAP Business Content
  • Introducing ABAP CDS Views provided by SAP BW/4HANA
  • Implementing SAP BW/4HANA Field-Based Models
  • Implementing Field-Based Modeling with Open ODS Views
  • Understanding Snapshot and Corporate Memory Models
  • Implementing Models in SAP BW/4HANA
  • Modeling and Implementing SAP BW/4HANA Master Data
  • Modeling and Implementing Advanced DataStore Objects (ADSOs)
  • Modeling and Implementing InfoSources and Transformations
  • Modeling and Implementing Composite Providers
  • Implementing Native SAP HANA Views
  • Modeling Master Data in SAP HANA Views
  • Modeling Transactional Data in SAP HANA Views
  • Implementing Agile Data Marts
  • Generating External SAP HANA Views for SAP BW/4HANA Objects
  • Implementing Mixed Scenarios
  • Additional Modeling aspects in SAP BW/4HANA
  • Introducing the HANA Analysis Process (HAP)
  • Defining Inventory Scenarios
  • Defining Stock Coverage Scenarios

This course will prepare you to:


  • Outlining advantages of the new SAP "In-Memory" database foundation for SAP BW/4HANA in general.
  • Understanding modeling requirements and comparing modeling approaches
  • Discussing Best Practices guidelines such as LSA++ and separating master and transactional data.
  • Describing steps in developing an SAP BW/4HANA data model.
  • Applying SAP Business Content.
  • Using the power of SAP BW/4HANA modeling artifacts.
  • Leveraging the advantages of field-based modeling.
  • Creating and using hierarchies with SAP BW/4HANA InfoObjects or and with native SAP HANA XSA Calculation Views.
  • Harmonizing transactional data from different source systems.
  • Implementing Currency and Unit Conversion with SAP BW/4HANA or and with native SAP HANA XSA Calculation Views.
  • Using Data Tiering Optimization
  • Generating external SAP HANA views and understanding "Mixed Scenarios", based on XSA.
  • Creating and using an SAP HANA Analysis Process.
  • Outlining Inventory Management and Stock coverage scenarios

Course announcements
This course is designed for users with some experience in BW/4HANA or for users who have visited BW410 and know the BW/4HANA terms and basic data warehousing tasks. They learn to design BW/4HANA data models based on the LSA++ layered scalable architecture model and using SAP BW/4HANA and SAP HANA modeling objects. Focus topics are master data (especially time-dependency and hierarchies), Open ODS Views, different types of DataStore Objects (advanced), and different Composite Provider scenarios, staging scenarios with InfoSources, currency and unit conversion, and hybrid models with SAP HANA Calculation views.


  • Introduction to Data Modelling, Challenges, Conflicts
  • Overview about the Business Case (Case Study)
  • Comparing Modeling approaches
  • SAP BW/4HANA modeling
  • SAP HANA modeling
  • SAP Datasphere modeling
  • Mixed strategies
  • Best Practice Standards in BW/4HANA Modeling
  • Understanding Object Changeability
  • Separating Master Data and Transactional Data
  • Using Time-Dependent Master Data, Tracking History
  • Harmonizing Data
  • Designing a BW/4HANA Layered Scalable Architecture (LSA++)
  • Understanding Physical and Logical Partitioning
  • Process of Modeling
  • Defining the Sequence and Phases of SAP BW Projects
  • Developing an SAP BW/4HANA Data Model
  • SAP BW/4HANA Content Add-On
  • Working with SAP Business Content
  • Introducing ABAP CDS Views provided by SAP BW/4HANA
  • Implementing SAP BW/4HANA Field-Based Models
  • Implementing Field-Based Modeling with Open ODS Views
  • Understanding Snapshot and Corporate Memory Models
  • Implementing Models in SAP BW/4HANA
  • Modeling and Implementing SAP BW/4HANA Master Data
  • Modeling and Implementing Advanced DataStore Objects (ADSOs)
  • Modeling and Implementing InfoSources and Transformations
  • Modeling and Implementing Composite Providers
  • SAP BW/4HANA Lifecycle Management
  • Describing Multi-Temperature Data Management
  • Introducing SAP BW/4HANA Data Tiering Optimization (DTO)
  • Implementing Native SAP HANA Views and Mixed Scenarios
  • Modeling Master Data and Transactional Data in SAP HANA Views
  • Generating External SAP HANA Views for SAP BW/4HANA Objects
  • Implementing Mixed Scenarios
  • Additional Modeling aspects in SAP BW/4HANA
  • Introducing the HANA Analysis Process (HAP)
  • Defining Inventory Scenarios

This course will prepare you to:

  • Outlining advantages of the SAP "In-Memory" database foundation for SAP BW/4HANA in general.
  • Understanding modeling requirements and comparing modeling approaches
  • Discussing Best Practices guidelines such as LSA++ and separating master and transactional data.
  • Describing steps in developing an SAP BW/4HANA data model.
  • Applying SAP Business Content.
  • Using the power of SAP BW/4HANA modeling artifacts.
  • Leveraging the advantages of field-based modeling.
  • Creating and using hierarchies with SAP BW/4HANA InfoObjects and with native SAP HANA XSA Calculation Views.
  • Harmonizing transactional data from different source systems.
  • Implementing Currency and Unit Conversion with SAP BW/4HANA and with native SAP HANA XSA Calculation Views.
  • Using Data Tiering Optimization
  • Generating external SAP HANA views and understanding "Mixed Scenarios", based on XSA.
  • Creating and using an SAP HANA Analysis Process.
  • Outlining Inventory Management and Stock coverage scenarios

This course provides you a very sound foundation of BW/4HANA modeling concepts and contains references to additional documents and information sources. This course has a focus on presenting concepts and a variety of hands- on-tasks partially based on a case study. The trainer will choose 20 – 30 suitable exercises out of more than 30 available exercises.

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Heidi Jakobsen Strømme
Produktansvarlig kurs