BOE320 SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform: Administering Servers

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Dager: 3

Pris: 26.340

Kurskategori: SAP

Underkategori: Business Intelligence BusinessObjects

Explain the architecture in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform
Configure SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform
Perform common server management and administrative tasks in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform
Manage and configure servers
Troubleshoot SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform


  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform
    - Describing the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform
    - Describing the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform Architecture
  • Installation of SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform
    - Installing SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform: Serv Side Installation
    - Installing SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform: Clie Side Installation
  • Web Application Management
    - Configuring Web Application Servers
    - Managing Web Applications
  • Server Administration and Management
    - Configuring the Central Management Console (CMC)
  • Managing Servers and Server Intelligence Agents (SIA) with the Central Configuration Manager (CCM)
  • Operating the Central Configuration Manager (CCM)
  • Monitoring SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence (BI) Platform System Landscape
    - Monitoring the BI Platform
    - Configuring the Monitoring Application
  • File Repository Server Management
    - Administering the File Repository Server
    - Using the Repository Diagnostic Tool
  • Job Server and Event Server Scheduling
    - Configuring the Adaptive Job Server
    - Managing Web Intelligence Document Schedules
    - Configuring a Connection Server
  • Dashboard Servers
    - Configuring Dashboard Servers
    - Managing Dashboard Design Servers
    - Managing Crystal Reports Servers
  • Crystal Reports Servers
    - Configuring Crystal Reports Servers
    - Managing Crystal Reports Servers
  • Explorer Servers
    - Configuring Explorer Servers
    - Managing Explorer Servers
    - Managing Information Spaces
  • Central Management Server (CMS) and System Databases
    - Managing the Central Management Server and System Database
    - Configuring auditing

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Heidi Jakobsen Strømme
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