Course announcements
This course teaches the core capabilities of SAP HANA for calculation view modeling, and covers mainly graphical modeling, as well as SQL- based modeling (table functions and procedures) with a focus on performance. It also introduces core data services as a flexible method to model a persistence layer.
The participants will gain knowledge about the management of modeling content in the SAP Web IDE for SAP HANA, and the key principles of object and data access security in a modeling context.
This course will prepare you to:
HA100 SAP HANA - 360° Introduction
HA150 SAP HANA 2.0 SPS06 - SQLScript for SAP HANA
Information Views
- Connect Tables
- Create Dimension and Cube Calculation Views
Modeling Functions
- Create Hierarchies
- Create Calculated and Restricted Columns
- Filter Data
- Use Variables and Input Parameters
- Implement Currency Conversion
SAP HANA Studio Modeling
Virtual Data Models in SAP HANA
- Use SAP HANA Live
- Overview of Virtual Data Models built with Core Data Services (CDS)
SQL Script and Procedures
- Introduce SQL and SQLScript
- Create a Persistence Layer Using CDS
- Create Table Functions and Procedures
Management and administration of Models
- Work with Modeling Content
- Create and Manage Projects
- Overview of classical models migration to Web IDE
Security in SAP HANA Modeling
- Understand the Key Concepts of SAP HANA Security
- Define Data Access Security
- Define Roles
Optimization of Models
- Apply Best Practices to Model Design
- Introduction to Performance and Analysis Tools
Overview of Text, Spatial, Predictive and Graph Modeling
Most of the activities of this course rely on the SAP Web IDE for SAP HANA, but graphical modeling in SAP HANA Studio is also covered with a dedicated unit.
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