PLM 114 Basic Data for Manufacturing and Product Management

Dager: 5

Pris: 43.900

Kurskategori: SAP

Underkategori: Asset Management

Kursdatoer er ikke helt avklart ennå, men kontakt [email protected] for påmelding!

Course version 015

Application Consultant
Data Consultant / Manager
Program / Project Manager
Business Analyst
Business Process Owner / Team Lead / Power User


Course based on software release
ERP 6.0 EhP7


  • Accessing and Creating Types of Data
  • Using Organizational Elements and Master Data in Production
  • Creating a Plant in SAP ERP
  • Creating a Storage Location in SAP ERP
  • Creating MRP Areas
  • Describing the Structure of the Material Master Record
  • Maintaining Prerequisites for Creating Material Masters
  • Creating a Material Master Record
  • Classifying Material Master Records
  • Managing the Material Master
  • Describing the Structure of the Bill Of Material
  • Managing the Validity of BOMs
  • Managing Bills of Material
  • Using ECM to Change BOMs
  • Analyzing Bills of Material
  • Configuring Bills of Material
  • Describing the Structure of Master Data
  • Creating Work Centers
  • Creating Capacities in the Work Center
  • Integrating Costing with the Work Center
  • Describing the Structure of the Task List
  • Creating Material Assignments and Component Allocations
  • Creating Suboperations and User-Defined Fields
  • Analyzing and Changing Task Lists
  • Describing Phantom Assemblies
  • Creating Co-Products and By-Products
  • Creating Alternative Components
  • Creating Multiple BOMs
  • Creating Variant BOMs
  • Using Mass Change and the Product Structure Browser
  • Modeling Complex and Flexible Manufacturing
  • Modeling Alternative Manufacturing Processes
  • Creating Reference Operation Sets
  • Using Lead-Time Scheduling to Update the Material Master
  • Scheduling Time Elements and Reduction in the Routing
  • Creating Trigger Points
  • Using Scrap in the Routing
  • Creating Production Resources and Tools
  • Describing the Structure of the Engineering Workbench
  • Setting the Work Area, Selection Criteria, and Effectivity Window
  • Navigating in the Engineering Workbench
  • Creating Engineering Workbench Work Areas
  • Using the PLM Web User Interface
  • Using Status and Action Management
  • Synchronizing BOMs using Guided Structure Synchronization
  • Tracking Changes in BOMs Using Redlining

Kursdatoer er ikke helt avklart ennå, men kontakt [email protected] for påmelding!

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Heidi Jakobsen Strømme
Produktansvarlig kurs