UX200 SAP Fiori System Administration

Dager: 3

Pris: 26.340

Kurskategori: SAP

Underkategori: SAP User Experience & Fiori

Course version: 003

Course announcements
This course is designed to give participants a detailed look at the administration tasks and activities necessary to support the SAP Fiori solution. Participants will learn how to install, configure and customize the SAP Fiori landscape, as well as how to configure ancillary systems in the total solution (e.g. System Configuration, Trusted RFC, SAP Gateway and System Aliases, FLP and App-specific services). Finally, the learner will explore how to manage and monitor an SAP Fiori landscape.

This course will prepare you to:
Implement technology components of SAP Fiori
Configure and operate SAP Fiori

System Administrator
Technology Consultants



Course based on software release
SAP S/4HANA 1610
AS ABAP 7.51

- App Types
- Product Versions
- Information Sources

System Landscape
- ABAP Task Manager
- RFC Communication
- SAP Gateway
- HTTPS Communication
- Single Sign-On

- SAP Fiori Launchpad
- User Assistance Settings
- SAP Fiori Search
- Notifications

App Implementation
- Transactional Apps
- Reference Apps
- Legacy Apps
- Analytical Apps
- Fact Sheet Apps

- Monitoring
- Transport Concepts

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Heidi Jakobsen Strømme
Produktansvarlig kurs