E2E040 Manage digital transformation with SAP Solution Manager

Dager: 3

Pris: 26.340

Kurskategori: SAP

Underkategori: Solution Manager

Course announcements
This course will provide you with an overview of the key value chains and the underlying Application Lifecycle processes of the SAP Solution Manager platform. Key aspects are the digital transformation and the transition to S/4HANA.

Gain an overview of the concept and functional areas of SAP Solution Manager 7.2
Understand how SAP Solution Manager 7.2 supports the transition to S/4HANA and Digital transformation
Identification of relevant topics for customers

Portfolio Manager
Project Manager
IT Management
Requirement Manager
IT Architect
Release Manager
Technical Operator

Fundamentals of SAP Systems and SAP Application Lifecycle Management
Basic understanding of ITIL V3

Basic understanding of support processes
Basic understanding of SAP Solution Manager
Experience in SAP IT Management
Familiarity with SAP Roadmaps


  • Overview of SAP Solution Manager 7.2 and the four Key Value Chains
  • SAP Solution Manager for SAP S/4 HANA
  • Focused Solutions
  • SAP Solution Manager and the Cloud
  • Landscape Management Process
  • Concept of Solution and Branches
  • Portfolio & Project Management
  • Process Management
  • Test Suite
  • Change Control Management
  • Focused Build
  • IT Service Management
  • Custom Code Management and its tools
  • Data Volume Management
  • Business Process Operations
  • Application Operations
  • Analytics
  • Collaboration with SAP Solution Manager and Enterprise Support

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Heidi Jakobsen Strømme
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