E2E600 Implementation Projects with SAP Solution Manager 7.2

Dager: 5

Pris: 43.900

Kurskategori: SAP

Underkategori: Solution Manager

This course will prepare you to:
Learn how SAP Solution Manager 7.2 helps your business to transition to SAP S/4HANA, while ensuring 24/7 system stability, improve business processes and quickly adopt new innovations to be ready for the challenges of the future. Learn how to take advantage of Focused Solution Add On in addition.

SAP Solution Manager 7.2 powers implementation and eases communication with the business and it continues to focus on operations and on IT. Selected highlights of 7.2 will be pragmatic business process management, business value through SAP Cloud adoption, and more SAP Solution Manager value through in-memory technology. Implementing and running SAP S/4 HANA

SAP Solution Manager 7.2 for SAP S4/HANA
- Using SAP Solution Manager 7.2 - Overview
- Explaining SAP Solution Manager 7.2 and SAP S/4HANA

Prerequisites for SAP S4/HANA Implementation Projects
- Defining Technical Prerequisites for S4/HANA Implementation Projects
- Using the Solution as Single Source of Truth

SAP S/4HANA Implementation Roadmap Usage
- Using Implementation Roadmaps

Project Preparation
- Explaining the Project Setup

Discovering and Design your SAP S/4HANA
- Exploring SAP S4/HANA Best Practices
- Managing Requirements
- Designing the To-Be Business Processes

Realization Phase
- Executing Systme Configuration and Development
- Using Functionalities in SolMan to Test the System

Deploy Phase
- Preparing End-User Training
- Cutting Over to Production

Solution Maintenance
- Maintaining the Solution

Solution Update and Roll out
- Managing New Release Projects
- Managing the Rollout of Templates

Solution Innovation
- Describing Focused Solutions for SAP Solution Manger

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Heidi Jakobsen Strømme
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