DASA DevOps Professional - Enable and Scale

Builds upon the DASA DevOps Fundamentals qualification. The key focus of DevOps Professional – Enable and Scale is on the 4 skill areas required for successful DevOps results.

Varighet: 2 1/2 dager: dag 1:online kl. 12:00-14:00, dag 2: klasserom kl. 09:00-17:00, dag 3: klasserom kl. 09:00-17:00

Pris: 16900 inkl. kursmateriell og eksamen

Kurskategori: Smidig

Kursdatoer er ikke helt avklart ennå, men kontakt [email protected] for påmelding!


For kurs i Stavanger:
18. mars: online kl. 12.00-14:00, 19. og 20. mars fysisk kl. 09:00-17:00
For kurs i Oslo:
15. april: online kl. 12.00-14:00, og 16. og 17. mars fysisk kl. 09:00-17:00 


Kurset undervises på norsk, med engelsk kursmateriell og eksamen. 

The DASA DevOps Professional – Enable and Scale certification is designed to provide the core education necessary to put DevOps into practice. With the help of DevOps theory, pragmatic examples and exercises, and interactive group discussions, the course will help you understand how to apply the necessary skills to practice DevOps.


Learning objectives

When you have acquired the required knowledge from this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the importance of DevOps culture and the aspects that can influence it.
  • Explain why courage, team building, leadership, and continuous improvement are required in a DevOps environment.
  • Explain why courage is essential to enable trust, honesty, and experimentation.
  • Identify and evaluate different types of behavior in a DevOps environment.
  • Recognize the signals indicating impediments and/or team dysfunctions.
  • Describe how to form good DevOps teams.
  • List the effects of happiness and motivation on team performance.
  • Assess the maturity of DevOps teams.
  • Identify how leaders encourage feedback and transparency.
  • Discuss the factors that leaders can influence to build trust.
  • Explain how and why leaders promote a "Safe to fail" environment.
  • Analyze value streams to improve throughput and flow.
  • Facilitate the tools for continuous improvement: structured problem-solving workshops, Story Mapping sessions, and retrospectives.


  • Individuals involved in IT development, IT operations, or IT service management
  • Individuals whose role are affected by DevOps and continuous delivery, such as:
  • DevOps engineers
  • Product owners
  • Integration specialists
  • Operations managers
  • Incident and change managers
  • System administrators
  • Network administrators
  • Business managers
  • Automation architects
  • Enterprise architects
  • Testers

Exam information

The DASA DevOps Professional – Enable and Scale exams are delivered by APMG and iSQI. 

  • Delivery - Online and Paper-based
  • Format - Closed-book format, participants can bring scratch paper
  • Proctoring -  Live/Webcam
  • Duration -  60 minutes, 15-minute additional time for non-native candidates
  • Number of questions - 12 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
  • Pass Grade - 60% (36 points to be scored out of 60)


  • Required: DASA DevOps Fundamentals certificate
  • Beneficial: Basic familiarity with Agile, Scrum, Lean, and ITSM principles

Kursdatoer er ikke helt avklart ennå, men kontakt [email protected] for påmelding!


Sten Otto Johnsen har arbeidet med programvare utvikling og ledelse i 30 år. I de siste 15 har han hatt et sterkt fokus på smidig tilnærming i leveranser og har blant annet deltatt og assistert på Agile Coach Camps. Han har utviklet og gjennomført flere kurs som kursholder og Agile Coach på oppdrag fra våre kunder. Samtidig har han for å opprettholde sin tekniske ekspertise hatt både arkitekt- og utviklingsoppgaver. Han har også utviklet rammeverk for testautomatisering. I hans nåværende oppdrag er Sten utvikler og Scrum Master i ett stort DevOps miljø.


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Nina Alfstad Sæther