Reactive Spring workshop

In this Workshop, we will use the current versions of Spring Boot, Spring Framework and Project Reactor to write Reactive code and will introduce RSocket, an application protocol that supports Reactive Streams.

Varighet: 2 dager, 09:00-16:00

Pris: 13500

Målsetning: Participants will build and test the individual parts of a Spring Boot microservices infrastructure themselves. We will use different tools and demonstrate the interaction between them. At the end of the day, participants will take along a backpack of tools, working techniques, and terms that will help them successfully implement reactive components with Spring Boot.

Kurskategori: Applikasjonsutvikling

Dette kurset levers kun som bedriftsinternt kurs. Ta kontakt med [email protected]

You’ll get hands-on experience with building a Reactive application to stream data leveraging the newly available Reactive data types, Spring WebFlux, Spring Data and Rsocket. Besides that, we will work with some new tools which make dealing with errors and blocking APIs visible.


  • Introduction Reactive Streams, Publisher/Subscriber types and Reactor types Getting familiar with Project Reactor
  • Using Reactive RabbitMQ with Spring
  • Using Rsocket as a streaming message protocol
  • Using Spring WebFlux Functional configuration API for Spring WebFlux Using Reactive Types with Thymeleaf
  • Using Spring Security Reactive
  • Using Spring Data MongoDB to reactively stream data
  • Using Spring Data R2DBC
  • Using Reactive Redis with Spring
  • What’s next? 

Target audience

This workshop is targeted at developers and architects who are new to reactive programming and want to learn how to use the Spring ecosystem to get started.


Participants should have some prior knowledge about Java and the Spring Framework/Ecosystem. The workshop will be held in English.

In order to participate, you will need:

  • A laptop with at enough spare disk space and RAM
  • Java, Maven and your favourite IDE installed (Eclipse, Spring STS, IntelliJ, Netbeans)
  • Docker for some demos

Dette kurset levers kun som bedriftsinternt kurs. Ta kontakt med [email protected]


Patrick Baumgartner works as a passionate software crafter, coach and trainer. He works with people to create beautiful and simple solutions and enjoys building software for the cloud with Java, the Spring ecosystem, OSGi, Neo4j and ElasticSearch and other open source technologies.
Learning new stuff from others and with others is a thing Patrick enjoys very much. Because of this, he is actively involved in the software crafters, Java and Spring, and the agile community.
He likes to make a difference, running experiments, and having discussions with a wee dram.

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Henrik Buzzi